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[-- International Journal Papers
(Refereed) --]
[-- International Conference Papers
(Refereed) --]
[-- International Conference Papers (Short Papers and Posters)
(Refereed) --]
[-- Survey papers
(Refereed) --]
[-- Monographs in Books
(Refereed) --]
[-- Chapters in Books (International) --]
[-- Chapters in Books (Domestic) --]
[-- Domestic Journal Papers
(Refereed and written in Japanese) --]
[-- Domestic Survey Papers
(Written in Japanese) --]
[-- Domestic Conference Papers
(Refereed by Extended Abstract and written in Japanese) --]
[-- Domestic SIG(Special Interested Group) notes
(Unrefereed and written in Japanese) --]
[-- Miscellaneous reports (written in Japanese) --]
[-- PhD thesis --]
[-- Unpublished mansucripts (Technical reports) --]