**Last updated on 2019.02.28
  • February 28, 2019:  Second-year Master’ student Mr. Yuji Murakami presented part of his research work at the  2019 the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (ICoIAS’2019), Singapore,  Feb. 27- Mar. 1, 2019.

  • September 12, 2018:  Second-year Master’ student Mr. Shunsuke Mie presented part of his research work at the   IEEE 12th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC-2018) , Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam,  September 12-14, 2018

  • August 2, 2018: ASL Mini-Workshop 2018, UoA, RQ, S2

  • Prof. Abderazek Ben Abdallah gave a Keynote Speech entitled  ”Neuro-inspired Computing Systems & Applications” at the 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (ICoIAS’2018), March 1-3, 2018, Singapore

  • Second year Doctor student Mr. The H. Vu presented part of his research work at the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing
    (BigComp2018), January 15-18, 2018, Shanghai, China.

  • Prof. Abderazek Ben Abdallah talks at the 1st ACM Chapter Networking Seminar on Globalization & Innovative Thinking, 2017/11/26, University of Aizu. Title: Developing a Mindset for Innovation & Entrepreneurship.

  • Mr. Michael Meyer concluded his doctoral studies and obtained his Ph.D. degree on March 2017. Congratulations!

  • 3rd year Doctor student Mr. Michael Meyer presented part of his research work at the Fourth International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR’16) November 22-25, 2016, Hiroshima, Japan.

  • 3rd year Doctor student Mr. Khanh N. Dang presented part of his research work at the 25th IEEE Asian Test Symposium (ATS’16) November 21-24, 2016, Hiroshima, Japan.
  • Open-Lab, August 2016. Students at ASL present some of their research projects to freshman students and external visitors.


  • 2nd year Doctor candidate Khanh N. Dang presented part of his research work at the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Integrated Circuit Design and Technology (ICICDT 2016), Jun. 27-29, 2016, Hochiminh City, Vietnam

  • Achraf Ben Ahmed concluded his doctoral studies and obtained his Ph.D. degree on March 18, 2016. Felicitation!


  • 2nd year Doctor candidate Khanh N. Dang presented part of his research work at the IEEE 7th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST 2015), Sep. 22-24, 2015, Qinhuangdao, China.


  • D3 student Achraf Ben Ahmed and D2 student Michael Meyer participated and published part of their research work at the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and //Cybernetics (SMC 2015), October 9-12, 2015, Hong Kong, China.

  • Open-Lab, August 2015. Students at ASL demonstrate some of their research projects to freshman students and external visitors.

  • 2nd year MS student Mitsuhiro Nakamura (presenter) and D2 student Michael Meyer participated and published part of their research work at the International Scientific Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences (ISCEAS 2015), July 29-31, 2015, Okinawa, Japan.}

  • Mr. Akram Ben Ahmed concluded his doctoral studies and obtained his Ph.D. degree on March 20, 2015. Mabrouk!

  • 3rd year Doctor candidate Mr. Akram Ben Ahmed presented part of his research achievement at IEEE MCSoC-14 Symposium, The University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, japan, September 23-25, 2014.

  • 2nd year Doctor candidate Mr. Akram Ben Ahmed presented part of his research achievement at IEEE MCSoC-13 Symposium, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, September 26-28, 2013.

  • 2nd year Doctor candidate Mr, Akram Ben Ahmed presented part of his research achievement at The 6th International Workshop on Engineering Parallel and Multicore Systems (ePaMuS2013), Asia University, Tachung, Taiwan. July 3-5, 2013.

  • 1st year Doctor candidate Mr. Achraf Ben Ahmed presented part of his research achievement at the World Congress on Computer and IT, ICMAES, Sousse, Tunisia. June 22-24, 2013.

  • Miss. Kimezawa (MS), Mr. Achraf (MS), Mr. Ouchi (BS), and Mr. Endou (BS) presented their final graduation presentations, February 14, 21, 2013.

  • 1st year Doctor Candidate Mr. Akram Ben Ahmed presented part of his research achievement at IEEE MCSoC-12 Symposium, The University of Aizu, September 20-22, 2012.

  • 2nd year MS student Mr. Achraf Ben Ahmed and 1st year Doctor Candidate Akram Ben Ahmed presented part of their research achievements at the iCAST Conference, Seoul, Korea, August 21-24, 2012.

  • Mr. Mouri (MS), Mr. Miura (MS), Mr. Ben Ahmed (MS), and Mr. Okada (BS) presented their final graduation presentations, University of Aizu, Feb. 2012.

  • Research Gallery @ our Research Group, Open-Lab 2011.

  • BWCCA 2010, Fukuoka, Japan, November 4-6, 2010. 2nd year MS students Kenichi Mori and Akram Ben Ahmed presented part of their research achievements at the Conference. Akram Ben Ahmed received the ”best paper award”.

  • FAN 2009, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan, Sept. 2009. 2nd year MS student, Mr. Masashi Masuda won the ”best presentation award”.

  • Graduation Thesis Final Presentations, GT 2009, The Univ. of Aizu.

  • 2nd year MS students Mr. Hiroki Hoshino, and Mr. Taichi Maekawa presented part of their research achievements at the IEEE/IPIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2008), Shanghai, China, December 17-20, 2008

  • The program committee of the Eighth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Applications and Technologies (PDCAT’07, Australia) recognized Arquimedes Canedo, Ben Abdallah Abderazek and Masahiro Sowa for their contribution entitled “New Code Generation Algorithm for QueueCore – An Embedded Processor with High ILP”. The above article was selected among 80 other articles as the Best Paper (2007/12/6).