The Third International Conference on Big Data Analytics 2014
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Streaming data, social media content, electronic medical records, astronomy surveys, genomic and proteomic studies and similar areas are generating data at a scale that is becoming increasingly difficult to manage using traditional database technologies. The scale of such data pose significant challenges for analytics, going beyond what can be supported by conventional data, storage and retrieval models.
The International Conference on Big Data Analytics (BDA) is set in this backdrop. The conference was conceived as part of a collaboration between the University of Delhi, India and the University of Aizu, Japan. The first BDA conference was successfully held in New Delhi, India, in December 2012. The enthusiastic response to this event prompted the decision to make the BDA conference as an annual event under the umbrella of this collaboration. BDA 2014 will be held in New Delhi, India in December 2014.
Information on previous BDA conferences can be found at -
BDA 2013 - (
BDA 2012 - (
Work in Progress Symposium 2014 (WIPS2014) 16-18 Dec 2014, at Delhi University
A Work-in-Progress Symposium (WIPS) will be organized at Department of Computer Science, University of Delhi during 16th-18th December, 2014. This is a pre-conference activity (before BDA: 20th-23rd December, 2014). It is aimed at exploring possible research review and project collaborations opportunities among PhD students and invited faculty from associated universities, and University of Delhi. Faculty members from collaborative research institutions and universities will be available for discussion. Masters and Ph.D. students are invited to present their work in progress, for possible publication in conferences and journals in 2015. Students interested to make a presentation are requested to send two page abstract of the work to be presented at WISP 2014 by 12 December 2014. Limited accommodation at University of Delhi is available on chargeable basis @Rs. 1100 /day on first come first serve basis.
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