1. Overview

OPM has deployed an online application system to accept application form.

Outside of the application period, the above URL might be inaccessible due to maintenance.

1.1. Basic Usage

A user can perform the following operations:

  • The submission of PDF files and other information for each application

  • Review of submitted information

  • Deletion of submitted information

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  • Regarding uploaded files, it is only possible to check the file size and SHA256 hash value.

  • To modify your submitted file, first delete the existing file and then upload a new one.

1.2. Register your email address

Users with an AINS email address (must be from the @u-aizu.ac.jp domain) do not need to register it. If you attempt to register your university email address, an error message will appear, but this is expected behavior.

If you wish to use an email address such as Gmail, please click on the Register link at the top of the screen.

opmoas.20240611 register

The registration process consists of the following two processes:

  • Registration of basic information

  • Receiving a confirmation email and activating your account

1.3. Enter your Information

Please fill in all fields and click the Register button.

opmoas.20240611 register fields

  • The Gender field is optional.

  • Please enter a phone number with at least 9 digits (up to 32 characters). The expected format is +81-242-37-2500.

  • Ensure your password is sufficiently complex. Easily guessable strings will be rejected.

1.4. Receiving the confirmation email and activate your account

Once your account has been created, you will receive a confirmation email.

Please ensure you have received the email below and click the URL within 24 hours to activate your account.

Subject: Account activation on opmext.u-aizu.ac.jp
Sender: opm-dev@u-aizu.ac.jp

Activate account at opmext.u-aizu.ac.jp:


Link is valid for 1 days.

After 24 hours, you will not be able to activate your account. If this happens, please contact opm-dev@u-aizu.ac.jp.

2. Use of the system for general users

Off-campus users should use the link to the Register page to register their email address in the system before use.

AINS users who have access to the campus network do not need to register; please use your university email address and password. Please note that your ID is not a short name; it should be a fully qualified email address with the "@u-aizu.ac.jp" suffix.

2.1. Login Page

From the login page, enter your university email address and AINS password.


2.2. Submission Page

Clicking on the "Apply" button for each program will display the application form. Once all required information has been entered, the Submit button will be enabled.

2.3. Verification of submitted information

After logging in to the top page, the submitted information will be displayed. The contents of PDF files cannot be viewed within the application, but the size and SHA256 hash value of the file will be displayed.

opmoas.submitted info

Since PDF files and other files cannot be replaced on the web page, if necessary, please click the Delete button before submitting the corrected information.

3. Submission of a Letter of Recommendation

Recommenders are kindly requested to register your email address and log in before submission.

  • Please convert the letter of recommendation to a PDF format.

  • Upload the PDF file after entering the email address and name of the nominee.

4. Reviewer guide

Please visit the following URL.

Contact e-mail address: opm@u-aizu.ac.jp