Jeremy Perkins

jerperkins at gmail dot com

Papers and Handouts

2024. Evaluating the effectiveness of a computerised dynamic assessment of L2 English email requests. Allan Nicholas, John Blake, Jeremy Perkins & Maxim Mozgovoy, Computer Assisted Language Learning (pp. 1–33). doi: 10.1080/09588221.2024.2374775.


2023. A production study of Korean consonants. Jeremy Perkins, Dahm Lee and Seunghun J. Lee. In: Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 778-782). Guarant International. Presented on August 9th at the 20th ICPhS 2023 in Prague, Czechia.


2023. Using machine learning to model the three-way laryngeal contrast in Korean. Jeremy Perkins, Yu Yan, Dahm Lee and Seunghun J. Lee. In: Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 783-787). Guarant International. Presented on August 7th at the 20th ICPhS 2023 in Prague, Czechia.


2023. Psychoacoustic features explain creakiness classifications made by naive and non-naive listeners. Julián Villegas, Seunghun J. Lee, Jeremy Perkins and Konstantin Markov. Speech Communication, vol. 147, pp. 74-81, doi: 10.1016/j.specom.2023.01.006


2022. Investigating pragmatic failure in L2 English email writing among Japanese university EFL learners. Allan Nicholas, John Blake, Maxim Mozgovoy and Jeremy Perkins. Register Studies, Oct. 2022, doi:


2021. Acoustic measurement of laryngeal constriction in Thai consonants. Presented at the 35th General Meeting of the Phonetic Society of Japan (online) on Sept. 26, 2021.


2021. Effects of task and language nativeness on the Lombard effect and its onset and offset timing. Julián Villegas, Jeremy Perkins and Ian Wilson. JASA, vol. 149, no. 3. doi: 10.1121/10.0003772


2020. Prediction of creaky speech by recurrent neural networks using psychoacoustic roughness. Julián Villegas, Konstantin P. Markov, Jeremy Perkins and Seunghun J. Lee. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 355-366. doi:10.1109/JSTSP.2019.2949422


2019. Perception of vowel length contrast in Drenjongke (Bhutia). Céleste Guillemot, Seunghun Lee, Shigeto Kawahara, Tomoko Monou and Jeremy Perkins. In Proceedings of the 2019 Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences, p. 30. Presented at the 2019 SICSS on Nov 15, 2019.


2019. A preliminary ultrasound study of the retroflex contrast in Drenjongke. Seunghun Lee, Jeremy Perkins and Céleste Guillemot. In Proceedings of the 2019 Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences, p. 120. Presented at the 2019 SICSS on Nov 15, 2019.


2019. Developing speech act performance in computer science majors through conversation analysis: Japanese learners and oral requesting. Allan Nicholas and Jeremy Perkins. In 2019 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference (ProComm), p. 79-82.


2018. Using psychoacoustic roughness to measure creakiness in Burmese. Jeremy Perkins, Seunghun J. Lee, Julián Villegas and Kosei Otsuka. Presented at the International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo, Japan on Oct. 27, 2018.


2018. Identifying the locus of L2 pronunciation: an exploratory study of geminate production by Chinese L2 learners of Japanese. Seunghun J. Lee, Gaku Kurita and Jeremy Perkins. Foreign Language Education Research, vol. 22, pp. 69-86.


2018. Consonants and tones: A view from two Tibeto-Burman languages. Jeremy Perkins, Seunghun J. Lee, Shigeto Kawahara and Tomoko Monou. In Proceedings of the 156th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, pp. 127-130. Presented at the 156th Meeting of the LSJ on June 23, 2018


2017. Phonation in the Tone System of Zhuang. Jeremy Perkins. Presented at the 336th Regular Meeting of the Phonetic Society of Japan at Showa Women's University on Dec 2, 2017.


2017. Psychoacoustic roughness as a measure of creakiness in two dialects of Zhuang. Jeremy Perkins, Julián Villegas and Seunghun Lee. In Proceedings of the 2017 Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences, pp. 111-112. Presented at the 2017 SICSS on Nov 11, 2017.


2017. Psychoacoustic roughness as proxy of creakiness in White Hmong. Julián Villegas, Jeremy Perkins and Seunghun Lee. In Proceedings of the 2017 Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences, pp. 74-75. Presented at the 2017 SICSS on Nov 10, 2017.


2016. Revisiting the interlanguage speech intelligibility benefit. Chang Shu, Ian Wilson and Jeremy Perkins. To appear in Proceedings of the 16th Speech Science and Technology Conference, Sydney, Australia, Dec 7-9, 2016.


2016. Analysis of the effects on pronunciation of training by using song or native speech. Saori Nemoto, Ian Wilson and Jeremy Perkins. In J. Acoust. Soc. Am. vol. 140, pp. 3343-3343.


2016. The Roles of Phonation and F0 in Zhuang. Seunghun Lee, Jeremy Perkins & Julián Villegas. Presented by Seunghun Lee at the 2016 Annual Summer Conference of the Linguistic Society of Korea: Its 60th Anniversary meeting, June 17, 2016.


2016. The Roles of Phonation and F0 in Wuming Zhuang Tone. Co-authored with Seunghun Lee & Julián Villegas. To appear in Proceedings of the 22nd Himalayan Languages Symposium. Presented at the Indian Institute of Technology in Guwahati, India, June 8-10, 2016.


2016. An Interplay between F0 and Phonation in Du'an Zhuang tone. Co-authored with Seunghun Lee & Julián Villegas. To appear in Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages. Presented at University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA, May 25-27, 2016.


2015. Reaction Time to Unnatural and Natural Pronunciation by Native and Non-Native Speakers of Japanese. Ian Wilson, Jeremy Perkins, Julián Villegas and Ayaka Orihara. Proceedings of the 2015 Autumn Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, pp. 339-342.


2015. Effect of Task on the Intensity of Speech in Noisy Conditions. Julián Villegas, Ian Wilson and Jeremy Perkins. Proceedings of the 2015 Autumn Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, pp. 369-372.


2015. Acoustic Properties of the Dental vs. Alveolar Contrast in Mapudungun. Carlos A. Fasola, Héctor Painequeo Paillán, Seunghun J. Lee, and Jeremy Perkins. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. Retrieved from


2015. Syntactic boundary marking in L2 speech: Pause and pitch reset by Japanese learners of English. Younghyon Heo, Jeremy Perkins, Emiko Kaneko, Naomi Ogasawara and Ahrong Lee. Presented at the 13th Annual Conference of the French Phonology Network at Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Bordeaux, France, June 29-July 1, 2015

2015. OCP Effects in Suffixes with Burmese Creaky Tone. Co-authored with Seunghun Lee & Julián Villegas. Presented at the 25th Annual meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, Payap University, Chiang Mai, Thailand, May 27-29, 2015


2014. An acoustic study of fricated vowels in Nuosu Yi: an exploratory study. Co-authored with Seunghun Lee, Xiao Li and Hongyong Liu. Journal of Korean Society of Speech Sciences, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 109-115.


2014. Preferences in Permitted Sequences: A Weighted Markedness Constraint Model. Presented at Laboratory Phonology 14, National Institute for Japanese Language & Linguistics, Tokyo, Japan, July 25-27, 2014


2014. Consonant-Tone Interaction in Thai. Presented as an invited talk at Phonology Forum 2014, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan on Aug 20-22, 2014


2014. Non-Local Consonant-Tone Interaction in Thai. In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages (Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands), pp. 112-115.


2013. Distinct Lexical Strata in Thai Consonant-Tone Interaction. Presented at the International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo, Japan on Dec 20-22, 2013.


2013. Consonant-Tone Interaction in Thai. Ph.D. Dissertation, Rutgers University, October 2013.


2013. Seeking adequacy in describing the tonal system of Du'an Zhuang: using phonetic evidence for tonal descriptions. Presented at the International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo, Japan on Jan 25-27, 2013.


2011. Consonant-Tone Interaction and Laryngealization in Thai. Qualifying Paper 1. Presented at the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society XXI, Kasetsart Unversity, Bangkok, Thailand on May 11-13, 2011.


2010. A Syntactic Alignment Account of Sentential Stress in English. Qualifying Paper 2. An earlier version was presented at the 5th Annual Rutgers University Graduate Student Conference on Mar. 26-27, 2010.


2010. A Tonal Study of an Endangered Language in China: The Case of Du'an Zhuang. Co-authored with Dr. Seunghun Lee. Presented at the CUNY Conference on Endangered Languages, City University of New York on Jan 10-14, 2010.


2009. Korean Affricates and Consonant-Tone Interaction. Co-authored with Dr. Seunghun Lee. Presented at the 6th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics, Nagoya University, Japan on Aug 29-Sep 6, 2009. Paper published in MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #61.


2008. An OT Analysis of Consonant-Tone Interaction in Korean. Co-authored with Dr. Seunghun Lee. Presented as a poster at the 18th Japanese/Korean Conference, City University of New York on Nov 13-15, 2008.


2005. The RTR Harmonic Domain in Two Dialects of Yorùbá. MA Thesis. Handout from the Rutgers Optimality Reading Group on Nov. 2, 2007.