Call for Tutorials
The BDA 2014 Organizing Committee invites proposals for half-day and full-day tutorials on established and emerging topics in the area of Big Data Analytics. Tutorial proposals should be no more than 3 pages in length using the LNCS format. Each proposal should clearly specify the subject matter, a detailed outline of the major topics covered, goals of the tutorial and the intended audience (refer to the submission guidelines). Preference is given to tutorial speakers who have practical experience in their tutorial topic and can augment their talks with relevant demos and/or case studies. Tutorial speakers having past experience in giving similar tutorials will be preferred over speakers giving the proposed tutorial for the first time. Please indicate links to any previous tutorials in your proposal.
Speakers of selected tutorials proposals are invited to optionally send a full-length tutorial paper not exceeding 16 LNCS pages. The paper will go through another process of review for consideration as part of the conference proceedings.The submissions will be accepted through EasyChair [] before August 4, 2014, 23:59 PST.
Submission Guidelines
A complete submission should include Title of the tutorial, Presenters (Name and Brief Bio), Area or Topic of the tutorial, Keyword, Duration, Target audience, Pre-requisites, 300 word abstract, Post-Conditions and Learning Objectives, Previous edition of the tutorial if any and Detail description and sequence of topics
Proposal should be submitted electronically at [Link]
Important Dates
� Tutorial Proposal Abstract Submission: July 28, 2014 23:59 PST
� Tutorial Proposal Submission: August 4, 2014 23:59 PST
� Notification Date: August 26, 2014 23:59 PST
Tutorial Chairs -
Ashish Sureka (IIIT Delhi)
Naveen Kumar (Delhi University)