AY 2015 Undergraduate School Course Catalog

General Education Courses
Humanities and Social Sciences
  H1 Philosophy
  H2 Logic
  H3 Psychology
  H4 Linguistics
  H6 Art
  H8 Documentation
  H9 Jurisprudence
  H10 Economics
  H11 Sociology
  H12 Constitution of Japan
  H13 International Relations
  H16 Theory of Physical Education
  H17 History of Science
Physical Activities
  PA1 Physical Activity 1
  PA2 Physical Activity 2
  PA3 Physical Activity 3
  PA4 Physical Activity 4
English Language Courses
English Language Courses
  E1 Listening and Speaking 1
  E2 Reading and Writing 1
  E3 Listening and Speaking 2
  E4 Reading and Writing 2
  E5 Intermediate English A
  E6 English for Active Communication
  E7 Intermediate English B
  E8 Thesis Writing and Presentation
EL1 Advanced English Acquisition
  EL102 Design of Human Languages
  EL113 Pronunciation: Comparing English and Japanese Sound Systems
  EL115 Analysis of English Sentence Structure
  EL123 Introduction to Second Language Acquisition
  EL131 Language and Linguistics
  EL132 Music and Language
  EL133 English Grammar for Test Preparation
  EL141 Computer Assisted Ethnomusicology
  EL142 English Sounds & Prosody
  EL143 Advanced English Grammar
EL2 Advanced Professional English Applic
  EL213 Writing & Design for E-learning
  EL217 Introduction to Forensic Science
  EL220 Language and Mind
  EL222 Writing in the Workplace
  EL227 Information Design
  EL231 Communication and emotions
  EL232 Language in Manga
  EL241 Japanese Pop Culture through English
  EL242 Writing and Design with Lego
EL3 Advanced English and Technology
  EL311 History of Communication Technology
  EL313 Digital Storytelling for Engineering Narratives
  EL314 Experimental Methods and Statistics for Linguistics
  EL321 Pronunciation: Acoustic Analysis Using Software
  EL327 English through Communicative Media
EG1 Global Experience Gateway
  EG1 Global Experience Gatewey
  EG101 English for Global Experience Gateway (RHIT)
  EG102 English for Global Experience Gateway (Waikato)
  EG199 English for Global Experience Gateway (DNA)
Specialized Courses, Specialized Fundamental Courses
  M1 Linear Algebra I
  M2 Linear Algebra II
  M3 Calculus I
  M4 Calculus II
  M5 Fourier Analysis
  M6 Complex Analysis
  M7 Probability and Statistic
  M8 Applied Algebra
  M9 Mathematical Logic
  M10 Introduction to Topology
  M11 Applied Geo. and Top.
Natural Sciences
  NS1 Dynamics
  NS2 Electromagnetism
  NS3 Quantum Mechanics
  NS4 Semiconductor Devices
  NS5 Thermodyn. and Stat. Mech
  NS7 Introduction to Optoelectronics
Computer Fundamentals
  L1 Literacy I
  L2 Literacy II
  L3 Intro. Comp. S&E
  L4 Intro. Computer Systems
  L5 CSE laboratories
  L6 Information Security
  L7 Information & Industry
  L8 Information Ethics
  L9 Introduction To IT Engineering
  L10 Intro. Multimedia Systems
  P1 Intro.Programming
  P2 C Programming
  P3 JAVA Programming I
  P4 C++ Programming
  P5 Computer Languages
  P6 JAVA Programming II
Foundations of CSE
  F1 Algo.and Data Struct.
  F2 Information Theory
  F3 Discrete Systems
  F4 Logic Circuit Design
  F5 Computer Architecture
  F6 Operating Systems
  F7 Database Systems
  F8 Automata and Languages
  F9 Advanced Algorithms
  F10 Language Processing Systems
  F11 Numerical Analysis
  F12 Data Compression
  F13 Computational Geometry
Specialized Courses, Specialized Courses
Computer Systems
  S1 Comp. Organ. and Design
  S2 Electronics
  S3 Advanced Electronics
  S4 Embedded Systems
  S5 Parallel Computer Architecture
  S6 VLSI Design
  S7 Advanced Logic Circuit Design
  S9 Computer System Engineering
Computer Network Systems
  N1 Communication Networking I
  N2 Communication Networking II
  N3 Computter Network Organizaion &Design
  N4 Digital Comm. Sys.
  N5 Performance Evaluation
  A1 Artificial Intelligence
  A2 Comp. Graphics
  A3 Image Processing
  A4 Biomedical Inf. Technol
  A5 Robotics and Automatic Cntr.
  A6 Human Interface and Virtual Reality
  A7 Linear Systems
  A8 Digital Signal Processing
Software Engineering
  SE1 Web Engineering
  SE2 Web Programming
  SE3 Software Eng. I
  SE4 Software Eng. II
  SE5 Software Studio
  SE6 Distributed Computing
Other Courses
  O1 Basic Knowledge Course on Staring Up Ventures I
  O1 Basic Knowledge Course on Staring Up Ventures II
  O2 Factories for Experiencing Starting Up Ventures 1
  O2 Factories for Experiencing Starting Up Ventures 2
  O2 Factories for Experiencing Starting Up Ventures 3
  O2 Factories for Experiencing Starting Up Ventures 4
  O2 Factories for Experiencing Starting Up Ventures 5
  O2 Factories for Experiencing Starting Up Ventures 6
  O2 Factories for Experiencing Starting Up Ventures 8
  O2 Factories for Experiencing Starting Up Ventures 9
  O2 Factories for Experiencing Starting Up Ventures 10
  O2 Factories for Experiencing Starting Up Ventures 7
  O4 Courses for the Information Technology Examination
  O5 Career Design I
  O6 Career Design II
  O8 TOEIC Preparation Course (Level A)
  O8 TOEIC Preparation Course (Level B)
Upper Division Courses Concerning The Teaching Programs
  T1 Introduction to Teaching
  T2 Introduction to Education
  T3 Educational Psychology
  T4 Eductional Curriculum Theory
  T5 Educational Methods
  T6 Mathematics Teaching Methods 1
  T7 Mathematics Teaching Methods 2
  T8 Mathematics Teaching Methods 3
  T10 Information Science Teaching Methods 1
  T11 Information Science Teaching Methods 2
  T12 Moral Education
  T13 Special Activities
  T14 Student Guidance, Counseling
  T15 Career Guidance
  T16 Teaching Practicum 1
  T17 Teaching Practicum 2
  T18 Pre and Post Guidance for Teaching Practicum
  T19 Educational Systems
  T20 Teaching Practice Exercises (Jr & Sr High)

Responsibility for the wording of this article lies with Student Affairs Division (Academic Affairs Section).

E-mail Address: sad-aas@u-aizu.ac.jp